Saturday, April 21, 2012

Two Weeks

I cannot believe that in a matter of weeks I will have a BFA in Graphic Design. Actually, I can believe it, but now that it's here, there's something unreal about it. And I realized the other day just how much I am going to miss the routine, the people, my professors. We seem to have grown into a little family, and in a few short weeks we will all go our separate ways. So many things are similar about high school graduation, but this definitely feels different. I feel adult, more sure of myself. I feel like I am on the right track for my life. I can't wait to start designing, to start making a difference in the world, even if it's by answering one craigslist add for a designer at a time. 

I'm ready to start this new chapter in my life, where ever that takes me. 

Now...on to the "to-do" lists.